7 Things To Consider Before Plumbing A Basement Bathroom

Robin Mathew
7 min readMar 17, 2021


Excerpt from SkilledHub

Are you plumbing a basement bathroom in an old or new house? Having a bathroom in your basement is a smart idea if you have a lot of guests or if you have a rental unit. A bathroom remodel is also a good way to increase home value.

A rough in plumbing for basement bathroom is usually not seen in older homes. If your basement doesn’t have the requisite structures in place, such as drains and plumbing vents, you’ll need to have them installed.

In the case of a drain, this entails running pipes under your foundation, which in most cases necessitates removing a portion of your concrete to install the drain, as well as having the slope so that the water flows into the drain.

Depending on where your main drain line is located in your house, you may need to install a special upflush toilet.

Here are some considerations to make:

1. Design for Plumbing Bathroom in Basement

Contacting the local building authority should be the first step. There are likely to be zoning contingencies and deed restrictions to consider for any construction project, particularly in the case of plumbing a basement bathroom.

Ideally, the new bathroom should be located as close as possible to the current plumbing and electrical wiring. It’s always a good idea to put your basement bathroom directly below the one on the floor above. This simplifies and lowers the cost of utility hookups.

The kind of bathroom you want is the next thing to think about. Do you want a full bathroom with a bathtub or a stand-up shower, or do you want a half-bath with just a toilet and sink?

Since basements are damp and cold, you may want to avoid the shower or tub unless absolutely necessary.

If you do need a place to shower, a corner shower is a more cost-effective option than a bathtub. Don’t forget to think about heating and waterproofing. It’s critical to have a high-powered ventilation fan to remove moisture.

Another option is to include a laundry area when plumbing a basement bathroom, but this adds to the complexity. To handle overflows, you’ll need a floor drain and access to an exterior wall for the dryer vent.

2. Drainage for Basement Bathroom Plumbing

When it comes to plumbing bathroom in basement, drainage is one of the most important factors to consider. Gravity helps to drain sewage and wastewater in standard aboveground bathroom plumbing. Gravity gives waste a push down the pipes, which is referred to as “fall” or “slope.” There must be enough of a fall in a basement bathroom to drain the toilet, sink, and tub or shower.

Your contractor will look at two main issues when inspecting your rough in plumbing for basement bathroom:

Size of the Pipe

Your plumber would need to install wider pipes to make room for the basement drains if your current pipes are too small.

Depth of the Plumbing

The bathroom design will be reasonably simple if your current plumbing drain is deep enough to allow for sufficient drainage. If that isn’t the case, you’ll have to look at some alternatives to gravity-fed toilets.

Your sewer line may be deep enough to allow gravity for plumbing bathroom in basement, just as it does in your aboveground plumbing.

The depth of your sewer line can be determined by calling the local public works department. If you have a septic tank, you’ll need to determine if your home’s septic lines are deep enough, which you might already know.

In fact, if your house was constructed with the intention of adding a basement bathroom, you may still have rough in plumbing for basement bathroom. This simplifies the installation process greatly.

Even if your drain lines are deep enough, there are a few things to keep in mind. Your plumber would need to work out the flow rate to make sure it’s adequate for waste removal.

You’ll need a backwater valve if you’re on a city sewer line to avoid sewage from backing up into your toilet. Since installing this valve will require a permit, talk to your plumber before beginning the project. You’ll have to do some extra work if your drainage lines aren’t deep enough to cause enough fall.

In some cases, a portion of your basement floor would need to be removed and the ground under it excavated. However, for some homes, this may not be enough to achieve the required fall but does not mean you cannot do the project. Although plumbing a basement bathroom like this necessitates specialized equipment, it is still possible.

3. Toilet Options for Basement Bathroom Plumbing

If your sewage does not already have a drain, it would need to be installed in your basement floor and connected to the main waste pipe.

Your contractor would need to connect an existing vent on a higher level or install a new one that vents through the roof of your home. That involves a lot of work such as drywall, roofing repair, and painting. Your main sewer drain may be higher than the level of your basement if you have an older house.

You have a range of options for your new bathroom, depending on your current plumbing:

Upflushing Toilet

An upflushing toilet is a self-contained unit that sits on the floor, so it doesn’t need any excavation or concrete removal. The plumbing lines extend through the basement wall to the basement ceiling, where they connect to the sewer or septic tank pipe. This is one of the most straightforward ways to plumbing a basement bathroom.

A macerating feature on some of these models grinds waste down to avoid clogging. Water pressure was used for grinding in older upflushing macerating versions, which created odor and overflow problems. In the new models, electricity is used which reduces these issues.

Pressure-Assisted Toilet

Even if the drainage lines are deep enough for gravity-fed plumbing, the fall in the basement isn’t as optimal as it is on the upper floors. Instead of risking clogs with normal plumbing, opt for a pressure-assisted toilet that pushes waste through the pipes using air pressure.

Composting Toilets

One of the most environmentally friendly options, composting toilets use little or no water and convert waste into compost that can be used to grow decorative plants. On the downside, they’re only built to handle toilet waste (not sink or shower water) and need adequate outside ventilation.

Sewage-Ejector Tank and Pump Systems

These systems are designed to pump sewage upward to the sewer or septic tank side. They are similar to small septic tanks in that they temporarily store waste.

Both aboveground (freestanding) and belowground versions are available. Since aboveground models rest on the ground, they don’t need to be dug up. The toilet is situated on top of a tank and pump unit that is sealed. This tank may also be used to drain out your sink, bathtub, or shower.

There are also below-ground sewage-ejector systems available. A tank and pump are housed in a hole underneath your basement floor in these units. This helps gravity to drain your fixtures into the unit. However, since they require excavation, they take longer to set up than aboveground versions.

4. Putting in a Bathtub or Shower

Many of the same concerns are involved in installing a tub or shower in your basement as in installing a toilet. For plumbing bathroom in basement, you will need to break up the floor and excavate.

You can install a shower as you would in any other room if rough in plumbing for basement bathroom is available. Alternatively, you can connect your shower to your sewage-ejector system or upflush toilet.

5. Flooring for Plumbing Bathroom in Basement

Tile is used extensively in bathrooms, and it’s a nice option for your basement bathroom as well. But what’s under your tiles?

To avoid cracking, an uncoupling membrane should be installed between the concrete and the tile. The concrete layer expands and contracts naturally as the temperature increases. By placing an uncoupling membrane between your concrete and your tile, you will hold the two materials apart. As a result, when one moves, the other does not, avoiding the main cause of cracks.

6. Lighting Choices

For comfort, good bathroom lighting is essential, but in underground bathrooms, you’ll face some unique challenges. Use the ability to bring in natural light into the space if your basement bathroom is located against an aboveground exterior wall. Glass-block windows are a convenient way to allow light in while maintaining privacy. Choose bright ceiling lights as well as lights for the vanity section.

Adding a bathroom to a basement adds a finishing touch that makes it feel like every other level of your house. Your basement bathroom can be as comfortable as your main bathroom with the right layout, fixtures, and decor.

7. Ventilation for Plumbing a Basement Bathroom

In order to remove moisture from basement bathrooms, an exhaust or ventilation fan is required.

You’ll need to install the correct vents if your home doesn’t already have a rough in plumbing for basement bathroom. This would necessitate cutting into concrete, drywall, and other building materials in order to safely direct the exhaust out of your home.


Even for a seasoned home improvement enthusiast, plumbing a basement bathroom is quite challenging. If you forget some of the features that separate belowground bathrooms from aboveground bathrooms, it might end up being an expensive undertaking.

You may want to contact a contractor to frame the bathroom walls in addition to hiring a plumber for your basement renovation project. However, if you have experience in construction, this is something you can do yourself. The plumbing, on the other hand, should not be taken lightly.



Robin Mathew
Robin Mathew

Written by Robin Mathew


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